moi du toi photography, Pet photographer South Africa, pet photography cat
Cats, Dogs

Tails and Whiskers

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This post is dedicated to the four legged friends I have recently photographed.  To begin with, my dear friends Alkistis, Frederic & Athena, belong to Pushkin, a lady cat of infinite patience who is extremely vocal and loves nothing more than to chew happily on human fingers.

‘It’s a friend of mine  – a Cheshire Cat,’ said Alice, ‘allow me to introduce it.’  ‘I don’t like the look of it at all,’ said the King: ‘however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.’

‘I’d rather not’, the Cat remarked. –    Lewis Carroll

Dogs have owners, cats have staff. – Anon

There is no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat.  – Wesley Bates


Those of you who have been following my blog will be familiar with Odie, a stray dog we rescued while living in Mauritius, newcomers to ‘moi du toi photography’ can find out about him here.  Shirish, animal lover and good friend (he is the racehorse trainer who allowed me to take photographs of his equine friends in my “Wind of Heaven” posts) was kind enough to give Odie a permanent, chain free home, despite the fact that Odie was rude enough to bite him the first time they met.  Um, er, well yes that is definitely another blog post best left unwritten.  When Odie is not in his own little garden and kennel area at Shirish’s house, he spends his time at the stables and going for long walks on the grassy practice racetrack nearby.

…he will be our friend for always and always and always.  –  Rudyard Kipling


Besides Odie, Shirish lives with Curly, an adorable Winston Churchill look-alike pug with an attitude to match and last but by no means least, “The Girls” a pair of noisy young daschund sisters aka Tara and Lucy.

“The Girls”- Tara and Lucy

Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened. –  Anatole France

Odie and Curly and not friends yet, that may have something to do with Curly’s Churchill attitude coupled with the fact he still has his knackers intact, unlike poor knackerless Odie, testicular envy? Not to mention the fact that Curly also got bitten in the whole, Shirish-Curly-Odie unwritten blog post, oops.   Shirish keeps them separated for now but just to be fair, “The Girls” spend time with Curly during the day and with Odie during the evening & night, so no-one feels neglected or lonely.

This last image is of the next door neighbour Fibi, a happy bouncy dog of indefatigable energy, having fun with our incorrigible golden retriever, Paddington.

Fibi and Paddington playing

Next time …. watch this space for a post and images of our new stomping ground in the Western Cape, Southern Africa.

All my love

moi ♥

10 thoughts on “Tails and Whiskers”

    1. Aw, Fibilicious, I miss her, I’m sure she misses us lots especially Odie!


  1. Pushkin’s staff is honored! :)-
    Photo of Paddington and Phoebe playing is amazing. . . what a dynamic moment.


  2. they almost all look regal….all except our Odie who by all accounts looks like a court jester! once again, i’m loving getting to know you all!


    1. Odie, what a loveable rogue! Well I’ll have to find new furry friends to photograph now that we are living in Dana Bay. Stay tuned…


  3. One cannot do anything else but love Odie, especially when you see him smile like he is in your pic Moi, Hopefully we will see a few shots of your wonderful “Madame” ….she will be ignoring you for a week if she knew she wasn’t included in your blog….poor old Patchouli and of course there is little Fiver too….


    1. Oh Margi, sad news about Fiver, apparently he was hopping about in the garden last week and just collapsed and died, Laetitia doesn’t know what happened, very very sad.



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