Bulldog on Myoli Beach


Can you believe that I know of three pets called Oscar?  My brother Terry who lives in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, is owned by a golden retriever called Oscar, my brother Seán who lives in Limerick is the most loyal subject of a cat called Oscar and last week I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Lord Oscar Williams, the English Bulldog and his human, Danielle who live in Sedgefield, Western Cape.  Oscar may look grumpy and bad tempered but he truly is a sweet natured dog with impeccable manners and a penchant for a decrepit fluffy toy called “Stinky” (which he uses to suck on, just like a baby’s dummy) as well as biltong treats (South African dried meat).   Dear Oscar took the trouble to come huffing and puffing down his very steep driveway to welcome me to his home in true gentlemanly fashion, although at one stage he did try to eat my camera but in his defense, it was because he thought it was a toy that I had brought for him to play with.

English bulldog
Aw, look at those cute little teeth in his bottom jaw

I don’t know what the experts say about Bulldog intelligence but Oscar is a quick study and catches on very fast, he’s not keen to have his photo taken so a fair amount of stealth and sneakiness was employed to get some decent shots.

pet photography

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Bulldog on the deck photo session
Sometimes Danielle has to give Oscar blocks of ice to eat when he overheats…
What an adorable expression, that’s a face you could kiss

Bulldogs are a bit “gobby” and as soon as Oscar saw his “facecloth” come out for a quick wipe he would do an about-turn and scuttle off in the opposite direction!  Danielle speaks bulldog because Oscar understands everything she says and she clearly understands all his facial expressions and can anticipate his next move.

Pet photography
Having fun on Moms bed
Being a bulldog is thirsty work...
Being a bulldog is thirsty work…

We took a couple of shots in their lovely home, way on top of a big sand dune in Sedgefield and then went on to Myoli beach to capture the beautiful sunset.

Pet photo shoot

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Oscar is a bit of a clown really…

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We did have to bribe him a little with his favourite biltong treats

moi du toi photography

I love this hazy sunset image from our day together.

Sunset with bulldog

All my love




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